Alhambra Boy Scouts having outdoor fun


Boy Scouts Troop 139


Scouting for

Boys Ages 11-17

We also have Scouts for...

Cub Scouts · Boys & Girls · grades K-5

BSA Girl Scouts for Girls ages 11-17

Meeting times:

Boy Scouts Troop 139

(Boys ages 11 to 17)

•  Mondays - 7:30pm to 9:00pm  •

Please stop by and visit us

Mandarin Baptist Church
210 N Garfield Ave
Alhambra CA 91801

Contact us Location Map

BSA Scouting...

Boy Scouts Troop 139

BSA Boy Scouts in Boy Scouts Troop 139 and their families have fun and adventures in a boys youth program that builds character and self-esteem while BSA Boy Scouts Troop Scouts have a great time with their friends:

Boy Scouts Troop 139 boys going for a hike in Alhambra

Boy Scouts Outings and Field Trips

“Outings” are a big part of Scouting. BSA Boy Scouts get out and about with many kinds of outdoor fun, such as: field trips, hikes, climbing, white water rafting, nature and conservation activities.

Boys from Boy Scouts Troop 139 go camping in Alhambra

Boy Scouts Camping

BSA Boy Scouts learn to live in the outdoors. Camping takes BSA Boy Scouts on exciting adventures into the natural world.

Forest hiking experience in Alhambra for boys in Boy Scouts Troop 139

Boy Scouts Leadership Development

BSA Boy Scouts Troop 139 offers boys the opportunity to serve in various leadership positions where leadership training is offered. Additionally, there is leadership training available through our local BSA council (GLAAC) as well as national youth leadership training programs.

Alhambra conservation project conducted by boys from Boy Scouts Troop 139

Boy Scouts Community Service

BSA Boy Scouts do valuable community service projects together. It is one way that BSA Boy Scouts fulfill the Scouts Oath “to help other people at all times.”

Boy Scouts Troop 139 boys do lifesaving training in Alhambra

Boy Scouts Life Skills

BSA Boy Scouts learn how to do First Aid, swimming, lifesaving. cooking, properly caring for animals, and much more.

Rank emblems worn by boys from Alhambra Boy Scouts Troop 139

Boy Scouts Rank Advancement

There are 7 ranks for BSA Boy Scouts to achieve by completing exciting and meaningful activities through which a BSA Boy Scouts grows in self-reliance and the ability to help others by learning new information and acquiring new skills.

Merit Badges earned by boys from Boy Scouts Troop 139 Alhambra

Boy Scouts Merit Badges

BSA Boy Scouts can earn Merit Badges that demonstrate proficiency in a particular area of study or skill at troop meetings, camps, or with registered adult Merit Badge Counselors in the community. There are more than 135 merit badge subjects to choose from, including:

  • Traditional Scoutcraft skills such as: Archery, Camping, Climbing, Cycling. First Aid, Hiking, etc.
  • Occupational subjects such as: Architecture, Dentistry, Digital Technology, Engineering, Graphic Arts, Journalism, Law, Plumbing, etc.
  • Academic and technical fields such as: Archaeology, Chemistry, Electronics, Environmental Science, Nuclear Science, Plant Science, etc.
  • Hobbies and Sports such as: Coin Collecting, Genealogy, Golf, Fishing, Horsemanship, Scuba Diving, Skating, Snow Sports, etc.
  • Citizenship in: Society, theCommunity, the Nation, the World, and Public Speaking.
Eagle Scouts uniform worn by boys from Alhambra Boy Scouts Troop 139

Boy Scouts Uniforms

Another particularly strong benefit of BSA Scouting for Boys is that more than half of troop meetings include activities involving boys of different ethnic backgrounds; and since most BSA Boy Scouts are in uniform at meetings, they gain a sense of being part of a team, without the socioeconomic barriers that might otherwise be expressed through attire.

Boy Scouts purposes are:

  • Character Development
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Good Citizenship and Community Service
  • Leadership Development
  • Sportsmanship
  • Mental and Physical Fitness
  • Family Understanding
  • Respectful Relationships
  • Personal Achievement
  • Friendly Service
  • Fun and Adventure
Boys from Boy Scouts Troop 139 salute the flag in Alhambra A group of Alhambra boys hanging out in Boy Scouts Troop 139 A Boy Scouts Troop 139 boy scout goes climbing in Alhambra Alhambra boys from Boy Scouts Troop 139 go hiking Boys in Alhambra Boy Scouts Troop 139 have fun on a zipline Let's go snorkel with Boy Scouts Troop 139 Alhambra An Alhambra boy from Boy Scouts Troop 139 takes care of a horse Alhambra Boy Scouts Troop 139 boys enjoy dinner outdoors Let's go surf with Boy Scouts Troop 139 Alhambra An Alhambra boy from Boy Scouts Troop 139 places a memorial flag

Scout Oath

On my honor
I will do my best
to do my duty to God
and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
to help other people at all times;
to keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Motto

Be prepared

Scout Slogan

Do a good turn daily

Scout Law

The Scout Law has 12 points. Each is a goal for every BSA Boy Scout who tries to live up to the Scout Law every day. It is not always easy to do, but a BSA Boy Scout always tries his best.

A Scout is...

  • TRUSTWORTHY – A BSA Boy Scout tells the truth and keeps his promises. People can depend on him.
  • LOYAL – A BSA Boy Scout shows that he cares about his family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and country.
  • HELPFUL – A BSA Boy Scout volunteers to help others without expecting a reward.
  • FRIENDLY – A BSA Boy Scout is a friend to everyone, even people who are very different from himself.
  • COURTEOUS – A BSA Boy Scout is polite to everyone and always uses good manners.
  • KIND – A BSA Boy Scout treats others as he wants to be treated. A BSA Boy Scout never harms or kills any living thing without good reason.
  • OBEDIENT – A BSA Boy Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and Troop. A BSA Boy Scout obeys the laws of his community and country.
  • CHEERFUL – A BSA Boy Scout looks for the bright side of life. A BSA Boy Scout cheerfully does tasks that come his way. A BSA Boy Scout tries to help others be happy.
  • THRIFTY – A BSA Boy Scout works to pay his own way. A BSA Boy Scout tries not to be wasteful. A BSA Boy Scout uses time, food, supplies, and natural resources wisely.
  • BRAVE – A BSA Boy Scout faces difficult situations even when he feels afraid. A BSA Boy Scout does what he thinks is right despite what others might be doing or saying.
  • CLEAN – A BSA Boy Scout keeps his body and mind fit. A BSA Boy Scout helps keep his home and community clean.
  • REVERENT – A BSA Boy Scout is reverent toward God. A BSA Boy Scout is faithful in his religious duties. A BSA Boy Scout respects the beliefs of others.

The Boy Scouts Troop 139 Alhambra logo of the boyscouts

Chartered by Scouting America

Formerly Boy Scouts of America

Scouting America website

Greater Los Angeles Area Council

GLAAC Council website

Boys from Alhambra Boy Scouts Troop 139 show off their artwork

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